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CHW Rally Day in Harrisburg

Mike Bowersox

We at the PA CHW Collaborative are coordinating our PA CHW Rally Day at the PA Capitol on Tuesday, October 17, 2023 the actual rally will be held between 11:30am and 12:30pm on the state Capitol steps. We are hoping for lovely weather as we will be outside. However , this will be a full day as we hope to arrange constituent meetings with our respective state legislators.

When: Tuesday 10/17/2023: 9 am to 3 pm Where:Pennsylvania State Capitol Complex - 501 N 3rd St, Harrisburg, PA 17120

We are really hoping to get as many PA CHWs, CHW allies and stakeholders to attend, support and build awareness for this event.

The day will include a morning meet up at the Harrisburg Area YMCA, visits and hopefully meetings with state legislators and senators, Rally on Capital steps, and more visits/meetings with lawmakers. There will also be time for fun and networking. We have the day planned for 9am to 3pm.

Please access this survey and provide your responses. Yes. The survey has both dates listed, but the date has already been determined as Tuesday October 17, 2023.

Thank you everyone for helping us to make this historic and fun day happen! We are on our way to Harrisburg!!!



Sep 07, 2023

If we make signs, do you have recommendations for what messages we should put on them ? Thanks~

Oct 12, 2023
Replying to

Just saw this. Thanks!

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